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Showing posts from July, 2018

Beware of bad SEO?

SEO is a two edged sword; it can work magic for a website if used in compliance with the rules laid down by webmasters of search engines in the same way it could damage every shred of reputation of a website if used unfairly. Hence, if you are a businessman or investor thinking of hiring a SEO firm, you must be cautious and watch out for bad SEO. Pay heed to the following points and there is little chance you would go wrong. Shadow Domains This is one of the most common tricks employed by shoddy professionals to bring traffic to a website. In shadow domains, misleading redirects are used to bring traffic to a website. Though this might bring the traffic, conversion is very rare as the visitor is looking for something else. Mostly these techniques are used without making the client knowledge. Bad results however are visible very soon to notice. Doorway Pages In this deceiving practice aimed to fool the search engines, pages with pages with umpteen keywords are placed somewher